Generative Art Builder
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Collection List
You can view a list of your collections. The list will show the thumbnail of the project, its name, and quantity of items.
Click on the ⊕ button to create a collection.
Enter in the collection title, item name, description(optional), and total number of items under ‘1. Collection Info’.
The description will be exported to the OpenSea description section.
If you register a thumbnail image that will show for all NFT items alike BEFORE THE REVEAL, you can issue your NFTs on the minting schedule. After registering the image, you can proceed to randomly create PFPs in the next step.
The thumbnail image does not represent individual NFT images.
Click on the “Thumbnail image for the unrevealed NFTs” section to upload an image. Supported file formats are JPG, PNG, and GIF. You MUST upload an image to mint your items.
If you opt to upload a video, you MUST upload a thumbnail image as well.
Click on the “Video for the unrevealed NFTs (optional)” section to upload a video. Only mp4 is supported.
Re-upload/replace the image/video by clicking on the edit button that appears when you place your pointer over the image/video.
Video files or GIF images that can arouse people's interest are recommended.
Then, click on the “Deploy” button under “3. Deploy smart contract” to confirm the final reservation on the mint schedule.
If you wish to skip this step for now, click “Skip” on the bottom right side of the page. However, you must register the image and fill in the data to mint your NFTs. Click on the “Save” button to save draft.
Once you are done filling out the collection info and registering the thumbnail image/video, “Skip” will change into “Next”. Click on the “Next” button to proceed.
Add or rename your themes. Click on the ⊕ button to add (a) theme(s).
You can have multiple themes for your collection. Create themes such as “legendary”, “man”, “woman”, “animal”, etc.
Determine the quantity of items for each theme. For example, you can produce only a handful of items for the “legendary” theme.
Trait Settings
In addition to the traits listed already— background, body, clothes, body accessory, hair, and face— you can add more traits by clicking “+ Add Trait”.
For each trait, create corresponding trait types and set their respective quantities. Click on the ⊕ button to add a trait type.
On the “Add Trait” pop-up screen, you can click or drop an image that represents the trait type. Set the name and quantity of the trait type. Click “Save” to complete the registration.
The designated quantity of each trait type for each trait should add up to the total number of items created AT MAX.
However, the sum of the designated quantity of each trait type for a trait does not need to meet the maximum quantity. Some items may not have (a) particular trait(s).
You can also create sub traits. Place your pointer over the trait type box to create sub traits.
For example, you can diversify your “closed mouth” trait type by adding sub traits such as cigar, grass, or lollipop.
Click on the Filter Tag button below “Simulator” to activate the filter function and view generated items with (a) particular trait type(s).
Only the items that fall under the selected filter(s) will show on the right side.
If you uncheck the selected filter(s), you can view all items.
Item Arrangement
Rarity order | You can view items from higher to lower rarity or vice versa.
Page number | You can select the page number that you wish to move onto.
Grid format | You can choose gallery or list form.
Rarity for each trait is shown as an actual probability, not its rarity score.
Rarity percentages or scores may differ from NFT marketplaces to marketplaces due to differences in their standards.
Once you complete uploading traits and sub traits, you can begin generating items for each theme. Click “HD Render and Upload” to render your images.
MUST-READ Instructions before Confirmation
You must check whether or not the image layers are combined in the right location/order.
There may be occasions when empty or half-rendered images appear due to users’ network issues during HD rendering. Please carefully review all your images.
When images experience error, click on the “re-render” button and regenerate your images.
Unfortunately, you are responsible for any issues arising from incautious confirmation. Please carefully review all your images before proceeding.
Click “Confirm” once all the images are rendered. The “HD Render and Upload” button will change into “Confirm” as the image rendering is completed.
You must scroll all the way down to the last item to complete image confirmation. Check “Complete image confirmation” to proceed.
You can cancel confirmation and go back to the previous step. If you cancel confirmation, the high-definition rendered images will be deleted. But you can render and confirm images again anytime you are ready to upload.
Click “Next” to proceed.
In order to proceed on to the reveal stage:
Stages prior to the reveal stage must be completed
Collection mint schedule must be created, and all the schedule periods in progress must be completed.
Random image distribution & upload to IPFS
Metadata will be fairly distributed to minters.
Chainlink VRF guarantees random distribution by generating random numbers.
You cannot undo the distribution process as a unique token ID is issued for each NFT and fixed in its metadata.
Fixed metadata and images are uploaded to IPFS and are ready for revelation.
Click “Distribute & Upload” to proceed.
Once the metadata and images are completely uploaded, you can move to the next step.
Two cases that must be taken into consideration after proceeding to the reveal stage:
when the quantity minted does not meet the total quantity
This is a case where only 9000 have been minted despite making 10000 images. In this case, revealing is possible, but problems arise.
The total quantity is revealed despite minting 9000/10000 images.
Because unminted NFTs are also revealed, if you create a minting schedule for the rest 1000 images, as these images are already revealed, people with programming capabilities or NFT experts may analyze what number the NFT is and purchase high-rarity PFPs.
We strongly recommend that you proceed with the reveal with 100% minting of the total quantity of collection as much as possible so that the NFT can be distributed fairly to everyone.
When you click the Distribute & Upload button, the Metamask pops up and you pay and sign for 0.22ETH+ gas, and the step proceeds, which can take up to 24 hours, this stage as well is e-mailed to the project owner when it's done.
when the quantity minted meets the total quantity (most ideal case)
Final request to reveal on blockchain
Metadata URI will be applied to the Contract.
The thumbnail image will turn into individual PFP images.
In the process of completing the final reveal, individuals with programming capability and NFT experts can learn relatively quickly to whom rarer NFT was issued. They can use bots and various tools to quickly buy good NFTs listed for sale before the owner notices them. Therefore, before clicking the "Final request to reveal" button, we recommend that you notify your community to deactivate any active sales listings among NFT owners for a while. We hope that you, who will be with us for a long time, will own our beautiful PFP.
Reveal completed
After the final reveal on blockchain, the process is completed.
Please notify the holders to click the "Refresh Metadata" button on NFT markets such as OpenSea or Rarible.